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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Understanding of Paypal

Saturday, July 31, 2010

PayPal is one of the medium of exchange ( Procesors Payment) using internet which used by many worlds and gaug. Consumer of internet can buy goods [in] ebay, license of software original, membership of situs, business business, sending and accepting donation / contribution, sending money to consumer of other Paypal in all the world and many other functions easily and automatically use or internet of mobile, Paypal overcome lacking of in delivery of traditional money like Cheque or of Money order which the was process of can eat time of Paypal like bank account, first of you make account, last fund will be pulled was direct the than your credit card to the account or with fund of transfer of account Paypal others to Balance / your Balance Paypal, and you have earned to use Paypal account to transact.

Februari 2010 Paypal have accepted 190 state and 23 currency, consumer of Paypal in Indonesia still have to use calculation of US dollar because rupiah not yet in Paypal, pulled fund is direct the than credit card will convert to automatic US dollar of eBay is place of biggest online [is] world, with consumer more than 200 million people in all the world ( data of juni 2006), you earn to look for and buy any, start from electronic goods, vehicle, till scarce goods from entire/all consumer of world ebay, way of especial payment [in] eBay is with Paypal because more automatic and peaceful, though there is seller accepting payment by other More peaceful Paypal of other online medium of exchange.

PayPal also protect seller of complain or refunding which not true from buyer according to verification. Protection for seller designed to protect seller of buyer claim confessing have sent money which don't have voucher note and of deskripsi transaction, each;every payment and purchasing use Paypal always there is the voucher note of in Paypal consignor account and beneficiary, as evidence if correctness have happened delivery of money between both

Dari sini bisa diambil kesimpulan menggunakan PayPal lebih aman dari alat pembayaran online lain bagi pengirim dan penerima uang karena ada bukti pembayaran dan catatan deskripsi, serta dapat melakukan komplain yang benar jika terjadi sesuatu atau terhindar dari komplain yang salah.
Daftar di PayPal, lalu mulai terima pembayaran menggunakan kartu kredit secara instan.